RCMP Curling Club Ice Plant Replacement

Location: Ottawa, Ontario
Status: Completed in 2010
Value: $473,000
Floor Area: 17,200ft2
Jp2g provided professional engineering services for the replacement of the ice plant at the RCMP Curling Club in Ottawa. Jp2g was prime consultant for the project and retained the services of an architect as a sub-consultant. The project included demolition of existing equipment, ice plant replacement, equipment room expansion, a new cooling tower and a new storage room.
The RCMP Curling Club is a one-storey arena type building located at 115 St. Laurent Boulevard in Ottawa with a building area of approximately 17,200ft2. The building includes a curling arena and gathering spaces. The building expansion and renovation, approximately 1,000ft2, included a new mechanical room for ice plant equipment and a new storage room for rink maintenance, ongoing operations and special events.
The mechanical scope of work included the replacement of the refrigeration system’s compressor, brine circulation pump, outdoor condenser and associated piping in the new mechanical room and their integration into the existing system. It also included the removal of existing mechanical systems and redundant piping, provision of new ductless air conditioning equipment and new heating equipment such as baseboard, force flow and unit heaters. The electrical scope of work consisted of the design of new interior and exterior lighting and emergency lighting and provision of a new distribution panel for the refrigeration system. Jp2g also provided structural engineering services for the equipment room expansion.