Pembroke General Hospital Expansion

Location: Pembroke, Ontario
Status: Completed in 2006
Value: $30M
Floor Area: 100,000ft2
The Pembroke General Hospital Renovation and Expansion was a capital improvement of an existing hospital and site services on a 5-hectare campus in Pembroke, Ontario.
Jp2g provided all civil, mechanical, electrical, and structural engineering design including feasibility/options analysis costing and construction administration support to the architect on this 100,000ft2 expansion project.
Jp2g also provided all site planning services as well as the design and construction administration of special use facilities such as back-up power systems, a new helipad, a morgue facility, upgrades to eight parking lots, and a new access road.
The HVAC system design incorporated two new 230-ton chiller installations as well as facilitating the new medium pressure environment required to house the new operating rooms and intensive care units.
Electrical components designed and supervised by Jp2g included an initial review of primary systems at the conceptual design stage, provision of primary 12.5 kV power systems including redundancy, and emergency generators and transfer panels. Complete 600 V and 120/208 volt distribution system was provided throughout the existing hospital and expansion, as well as specialized isolated power (for the Intensive Care Unit); site lighting for streets, security, and parking lots; building system controls; and lightning protection.