Golfview Subdivision

Location: Pembroke, Ontario
Client: Golfview Land Developments Inc.
Status: Anticipated 2020 - 2025
Value: $328M
The proposed Pembroke Subdivision Development is to be located on a 212.04 acre parcel of land in the City of Pembroke. The development is to include a total of 578 single detached and semi-detached residential lots, 186 townhouse units, 18.57 acres of land for 550 apartment style condominium dwelling units and 3 local commercial blocks containing approximately 55,000 sq. ft. of local commercial retail uses. The development includes an 10.42 acre parkland corridor, 2.81 acres of neighbourhood parklands and 8.94 acres of stormwater management ponds which will also serve as passive recreational areas.
Jp2g provided conceptual design layout; draft plan approval; public consultations; liaison with agencies; preliminary and detailed engineering designs for sanitary sewer, municipal water, stormwater, utilities, sanitary sewer pumping station and roads.