Surgenor Hyundai Automotive Dealership

Ottawa, Ontario
Winner of IES Section Awards for Interior & Exterior Lighting, 2013
Status: Completed in 2012
Value: $4.2M
Floor Area: 27,000ft2
Jp2g provided building design and construction contract administration services for this new automotive dealership, complete with a service area, wash bays, and a drive-thru service reception.
The design included HVAC, plumbing, fire protection, interior and exterior lighting, power distribution, fire alarm, data, and telephone layouts. Services provided include the preparation of a complete set of tender drawings, as well as construction administration.
The outside lighting provides excellent illumination of the automobiles with minimal light spilling across the property lines or onto the boulevard. The lighting inside the building highlights the products in the showroom well gives low-glare illumination in the office areas and provides uniform lighting levels throughout the service bays.